Custom Keto Diet 65% OFF + FREE! Bonuses

Product Name: Custom Keto Diet
Author Name: Rachel Roberts
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Custom Keto Diet Plan is a comprehensive and custom diet plan that makes switching over to the ketogenic diet enjoyable, easy and fairly effortless. Unlike many of the keto programs out there, this one gives you everything you need to thrive through the 8 week regime and to continue on after. 

You receive day-by-day meal plans and recipes for each meal, complete with nutritional information, photos and shopping lists, all of which are customized for you based on what you need, and so much more. 

Everything is determined from the information you enter about your body and goals, and then you get a customized action plan and a ton of cookbooks and recipes to keep you trekking long after the 8 weeks are up. It’s 100% safe, natural and easy, and if I don’t mind saying so myself, the best keto program out there.

What Is The Custom Keto Diet Plan About?

The ketogenic diet is being hailed as a healthy and delicious way to lose sustainable weight without having to count calories, deprive yourself of the foods you love, or starve yourself. It’s all about maintaining a low carb, high fat diet, meaning that bacon, butter and all of your favourite things can still be enjoyed. Oh, but it’s so much more than that.

The keto diet is like a lifestyle change, as you aren’t dieting but rather, you’re transforming your eating habits.

Custom Keto Diet Plan makes it easy to do just that, as it provides you with customized meal plans based on the information you enter at the beginning regarding your body, activity levels and goals. Every meal for every day comes with shopping lists, step-by-step recipes, nutritional information, portion sizes, and more. You even get a ton of cookbooks that are full of keto recipes; you have everything you need during and after the 8 week period.

So, despite only being for 8-weeks, the program provides you with everything you need to embark on this new journey and to continue with it moving forward as well. I’ll dive into the details in just a moment but for now, here’s a sneak peek at what you receive when you get started:

  • Keto 101 Video and eBook
  • Your Custom Keto Diet Plan
  • Keto Bacon Recipes
  • Keto Fat Bombs
  • Keto Party Snacks
  • Keto Superfood Smoothie Recipes
  • Keto Peanut Butter Threats
  • Keto Savoury Foods
  • Keto Chocolate Treats
  • Keto Avocado Recipes
  • Keto Desserts
  • Keto Cookies
  • Fast Keto Recipes
How Does Custom Keto Diet Plan Work?

This Keto diet plan by Rachel Roberts is a detailed guide that provides you with meal plans and recipes that help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals as well as improve your health based on your lifestyle.

You start by stating if you are a male or a female. This is crucial since men and women burn fat differently. Once you select your gender, you are then asked to select your activity levels, the type of meat you take (no-meat options are also available), the types of vegetables you like, and other foods that you like and your portions.

Once you fill out this information, the program generates a graph that allows you to see the average daily calories, proteins, carbs, water, BMI, and fats. After that, it provides recommendations for each meal. 

With this information, you will be able to use the diet plans and recipes provided to make food that goes with the recommendations. The specific diet plans and recipes provided come with portion sizes and nutritional information that is tailored for your body based on the information you entered.

In addition to the meals plans and cookbooks, the 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan also comes with cookbooks that cover more on ketogenic lifestyle and how it can help you achieve fitness, health, and weight loss goals.

You also get a diet plan with shopping lists for each week, portion sizes, option to swap meals that you find unappealing, nutritional breakdown of meals and recipes, as well as day-to-day recipes for lunch, breakfast, snacks, and dinner.

Benefits of Custom Keto Diet Plan

  •  I have tried a lot of keto programs but there always seems to be something left out, whether it’s a category of recipes, knowledge or something else. So, the first advantage I noticed was just how comprehensive the 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan was. It provides you with everything you need to thrive on this healthy lifestyle and you even get customized information about what your body needs to achieve your health, fitness and weight loss goals, which is priceless. You can have all the keto cookbooks in the world but if you don’t know what you need, it can be impossible to achieve the goals you have set.
  • It is also amazing how easy the entire program is. You get the grocery shopping lists needed for each week, and every meal is planned out for you each day, with photos, recipes, portion sizes and nutritional information. If you don’t like one of the meals provided, you can swap it out for something different right in the meal plan. You even get an abundance of cookbooks, so you can continue on your own once the 8 weeks are done.
  • And you even get two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which you just can’t go wrong with. However, if you are serious about switching to keto, this is the program to do it with as it covers every angle. Not only that but it is online, making it easy to access the information, recipes, shopping lists and cookbooks any time.

Cons of Custom Keto Diet Plan

I know people looking at reviews want to see both the pros and cons of the Custom Keto Diet Plan, but there isn’t anything negative I can say about this program. There isn’t one thing that even came close to being a disadvantage. 

I guess if I had to pick, perhaps it would be nice to have the option to get the program in physical form as some people do prefer the physical book option, but then you’d have to pay for shipping and lug around a bunch of books with you. So, I actually believe this would be a disadvantage.


The Custom Keto Diet Plan is the ultimate system for transforming your lifestyle into one that is keto-friendly. It is a comprehensive program that provides you with everything you need and more. 

The 8-week regime is clearly detailed for you, complete with shopping lists, photos, and recipes for each meal, all of which are customized based on what your body needs and your daily activity. It’s like having a custom keto coach with you at all times. 

You even receive a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can test the 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan out first. But if you want to go keto, this is the best way to do it.


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